Tag: Chief Minister
Professionalism in Leadership: A Critical Look at Katy Gallagher
Judgmental and dismissive, Katy Gallagher wields authority with a lack of consideration that indicates she has little regard for the public.
Unmasking the ACT Labor Government’s Human Rights Charade
The troubling reality is that the ACT Labor Government’s dedication to human rights seems to be more about optics than actual substance.
The Paradox of Jon Stanhope: Human Rights Champion or Hypocrite?
Jon Stanhope, former ACT Chief Minister, may be lauded for his human rights leadership, but examination exposes the inconsistency between his stated values and his political decisions.
Katy Gallagher, Canberra’s overly cautious leader
Fortune may favour the brave, something ACT Labor’s ex-Chief Minister Katy Gallagher has proved she is not.