Category: Justice
The ACT Government and the Ministry of Truth
The Australian Capital Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal has become Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, facilitating the distortion of historical and legal records.
The Paradox of Sovereignty: An Examination of the ACT Branch of Australian Labor and the Rule of Law
As the governing party, the ACT Branch of the Australian Labor Party has exempted those misusing their power from legal accountability.
Accountability and Justice: A Call for Integrity in Policing and Politics
ACT Policing and the AFP must investigate accusations against individuals regardless without prejudice.
Accountability in Leadership: A Call for Transparency from Attorney General Shane Rattenbury
The integrity of our legal system and the trust of the public are at stake. Mr. Rattenbury to respond to the issues raised and demonstrate the leadership that the people of the ACT deserve.
ACT Greens: working for voters or ACT Labor?
The upcoming elections present an opportunity to reflect on who truly serves the interests of the ACT community.
The Rule of Law: Our Democratic Foundation Needs Better Protection!
The Australian Capital Territory fails in the management and protection against manipulation of legal documents, thereby undermining rule of law and democracy.
Workplace culture in the ACT: why unethical behaviour thrives
Recognising that the silence around toxic culture and silencing workplace racism is imperative in ending the culture that justifies rather than holds accountable the Angel Marina’s of the public service.
The Australian Capital Territory: Australia’s racism capital
The persistence of systemic inequalities in the ACT raises serious questions about both the genuineness to address racism in the Territory.
The ACT Human Rights Commission: Failures and Shortcomings
The ACT Human Rights Commission’s ineffectiveness in addressing violations points toward its inability to fulfill its mandate.