Category: Human Rights
Wage parity in the ACT – more than tokenism?
The question needs to be asked: has there been genuine effort made to narrow the gender pay gap for women in the ACT?
Unmasking the ACT Labor Government’s Human Rights Charade
The troubling reality is that the ACT Labor Government’s dedication to human rights seems to be more about optics than actual substance.
The Paradox of Jon Stanhope: Human Rights Champion or Hypocrite?
Jon Stanhope, former ACT Chief Minister, may be lauded for his human rights leadership, but examination exposes the inconsistency between his stated values and his political decisions.
The Australian Capital Territory: Australia’s racism capital
The persistence of systemic inequalities in the ACT raises serious questions about both the genuineness to address racism in the Territory.
The ACT Human Rights Commission: Failures and Shortcomings
The ACT Human Rights Commission’s ineffectiveness in addressing violations points toward its inability to fulfill its mandate.
Australian Capital Territory Indigenous Incarceration Rates
The positive strides made in human rights legislation with the highest per capita incarceration rates for Indigenous Australians in the ACT needs serious consideration.