Author: Norman
ACT Greens: working for voters or ACT Labor?
The upcoming elections present an opportunity to reflect on who truly serves the interests of the ACT community.
The Rule of Law: Our Democratic Foundation Needs Better Protection!
The Australian Capital Territory fails in the management and protection against manipulation of legal documents, thereby undermining rule of law and democracy.
Unmasking the ACT Labor Government’s Human Rights Charade
The troubling reality is that the ACT Labor Government’s dedication to human rights seems to be more about optics than actual substance.
20 Years of Unbroken One-Party Rule in the ACT: A Dismal Reality Check
It is time for the ACT to a return to a more balanced and representative governance model.
The ACT Greens in Coalition with Labor
The Greens have won a greater proportion of the seat in the ACT than any other state or territory but do they lack the spine to hold ACT Labor to account?