InACTing: Shedding Light on ACT Labor’s Record

As we approach the upcoming territory election, it is crucial for residents of the ACT to reflect on the past two decades under the ACT Labor government. The website InACTing serves as a vital resource, exposing the corruption, hypocrisy, and incompetence that have plagued our governance.

This platform aims to keep these issues in plain sight, reminding us of the need for accountability and transparency in our political landscape. It is time to demand better leadership and a government that prioritises the interests of its citizens. Let us stay informed and engaged as we shape the future of our territory.

ACT Labor vaunts the highly recognisable Southern Cross in its logo. InACTing’s logo is of another well-known southern hemisphere constellation, the Saucepan. The symbolism shouldn’t be lost on ACT voters – if you vote for ACT Labor, you are jumping from the frying pan into the fire. InACTing advocates not only for ceasing the 22 year-old ACT Labor monopoly, aided and abetted by the Greens, but also for leveraging the value of independent candidates to ensure that the major parties no longer call all the shots.

It’s time.